Wednesday, July 26, 2017

A summer of mini albums

I have scrapbooked some layouts this summer, but mostly I've worked on mini-albums. I have a few posts to share.

First are some mini albums I had started but not finished or continued.

The Halloween album I made this year, for example, I had made a mistake on the most recent photo. The ring holes did not match up, so I fixed it by printing a new photo and re-punching the holes. Here it is:

Next, I hadn't recorded the last three years of our family 5K's in the 5K album.

NOTE: I noticed doing this that I had the wrong dates on the album cover. I removed them and will fix it.

The trick about using SMASH! albums is working around the designs. Here's what I did:

I use a few graphic collections: KI, Echo Park, E.G.--to embellish these pages.

Next I added the last couple years of family photos to my Easter album. I should mention I JUST found an older photo I never included This one's not done.

Finally, I made an album with Write. Click. Scrapbook a few years ago about little things that make me happy. I left the last few pages empty, meaning to fill them up but never did. And so I finished it this summer.

I had run out of the brown foam stickers, so I used a similar-toned, similar styled Thicker.

And those are my completed and updated albums! Thank you for checking them out. I made a few more that I will edit and share later. Like I said, this has been the summer of mini-albums.

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